
Shichimi (七味唐辛子)


Shichimi, or Shichimi Tougarashi (七味唐辛子)is a mixture of 7 different kinds of pepper and ingredients (Shichimi literally translates into “seven flavors” in Japanese), which is meant to be lightly poured on certain dishes to add a kick. 

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A little bit about Shichimi (七味)

Shichimi (七味) is composed of a mixture of 7 different ingredients such as red chili pepper, sansho pepper, nori, sesame seeds and etc, while the ingredients somewhat varies. While some of you readers might be familiar, there is also a condiment called “Ichimi (一味)”, but this is a condiment solely composed of one main ingredient which is the red chilli pepper (Hence, why it is translated into “one flavor” in Japanese.) While the taste are somewhat similar and they both taste really good, Ichimi (一味) is added to make the dish more spicy whereas Shichimi (七味) , because it has more ingredients inside it, adds not only a spicy kick to it, but also a very nice aroma to it which adds a depth into your dish.

Below are some of the more famous Japanese dishes that goes really well with Shichimi.


Yakitori (焼き鳥)

・ Gyudon (牛丼)

・ Tonjiru (豚汁)

・ Soba (そば)
・ Udon (うどん)
 and many more!


The best way to enjoy these dishes is to start off without using Shichimi from the beginning. Once you enjoy the first part of the dish and start to get a little bland, pour a little bit onto your dish (Make sure not to pour too much as the original dish will be over-empowered by the flavor of the red chilli). By doing so, it will add a depth to your dish and will make the original dish taste so much different (in a very good way!). 

Another good timing to pour some on your dish is when the original taste of the dish gets too oily. If you have too much of Yakitori or Gyudon, it sometimes becomes too much. If you add some Shichimi onto it, it becomes more refreshing and aromatic, enabling you to focus on the fragrance and not on the fattiness of the dish. 

Essentially, the purpose of it is to change the taste of the dish and to enjoy different stages and changes in the taste of the dish. Considering how having one main meal and Shichimi enables you to feel like you are enjoying two entirely separate dish, we would say that Shichimi is definitely something you should have in your pantry.




Where can I find Shichimi (七味)?

Shichimi can most likely be found in your nearest Asian supermarket. However, you may not have access to one depending on where you are, in which case, it might be best to order it on Amazon. While you may find cheaper knock-off versions made by non-Japanese companies, some condiments may taste completely different to what it really is, and therefore, we advise you to purchase ones from established Japanese brands such as S&B and House (Shichimi and Ichimi are one of their specialties) or from Yawataya. It might be a little bit more expensive, but if you are making the effort, spending much time and money to make the meal, you might as well get the proper one in order to make sure it does not turn out wrong. Please try not to buy anything other than the ones made from these companies as the foreign companies simply does not what the real ones are supposed to taste (From a Japanese perspective, we very much loath how westerners put a “Japanese” label on things, where in fact, they taste nothing like how they are supposed to taste. Simply very disgraceful..)

Our Recipes using Shichimi

We have compiled some a list of dishes that you might also like for your next cooking session below.

Yakitori (焼き鳥)

Yakitori (焼き鳥), meaning “grilled bird” in Japanese, is a dish composed of different kinds of meat and vegetables (not just chicken) that are skewered and cooked on a grill. 

Oyakodon (親子丼)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Oyakodon made from chicken and eggs
Oyakodon made from chicken and eggs
Oyakodon (親子丼)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Oyakodon made from chicken and eggs
Oyakodon made from chicken and eggs

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